Wednesday, September 07, 2005

alternate correspondance...

i was thinking about randomness, because i love it, it's like - well i was going to say a favorite cousin, but really i like it better than my favorite cousin so that doesn't really work (don't worry i don't really have a favorite cousin.) but anyway i was thinking that sometimes i feel as though i'm calculating in my randomness and so does that negate the randomness or does that make me clever for masking the fact that i have "gentrified" ,if you will, or branded the randomness? it's almost like a skill that i have nurtured. that's what the doctors told me to say. they say people get a little skittish when you say schizophrenia...
m'kay. weird. i know.


Erik said...

interesting. and random.

BethInPortland said...

I really like this story. Is it true? It could be.
I like the phrase "mean old cuss." That's a phrase my dad used to say. He also used the word "ornery" a lot. He also says "What's the skivvy?" I've never met anyone else that uses that phrase.