Monday, June 27, 2005


Originally uploaded by gretaseacat.
i thought i would share some sweet, crunchy goodness with my faithful readers. can't you just feel the sugar coma coming on?

let me count the ways

how much do i love it when a movie is set in england and the characters are supposed to be from there and they have west coast hollywood accents. nary a lilt to be found.
or how about jesus on tbn... he always has a british accent.

Friday, June 24, 2005

i can't remember

what i was going to say?
i had these mind boggling thoughts
that would have... boggled your mind
had i remembered them long enough to write
them in this here blog. is this to be the remainder of
my existence? to always be trying to remember the genius
thoughts that i had. the loss of memory lacquers the sheen of intelligence
over the forgotten memories so that you feel as though you are smarter than you really

Sunday, June 05, 2005

in just three easy steps!

i thought i would find out how to create my own scene and share it with all of my faithful readers. here's the linkage: