Friday, April 22, 2005

get your own tots

am listening to the sound of the furnace rumbling in the wall. well, on the other side of the wall anyway. stupid me, i procrastinated on my homework last week and ended up staying up on wednesday night until 2:30 am thursday and then i had to get up about 3 hours later to get to the 8am class in which the aforementioned homework was intended for. (p.s. i was freaking out and wanting to cry and yell, but mary was sleeping so i couldn't, because i kept messing everything up and i was tired and i don't have a stupid desk to work at, i was using a dinky coffe table and i had to mix like 2o different shades of gouache paint and match values in my red/chromatic piece and my gray/achromatic peice and i had the cutting board on the couch and paper and paint and water everywhere and i got fingerprints in my paint and smears of red and glue and mess and i was so embarassed to turn it in and the only thing i liked about it was my design, but the craftsmanship sucked in my opinion, but of course when we had our critiques mine was one of the better projects and i got an "a-" which i was pleasantly surprised about and made it a little better that i missed out on like 6 hours of sleep) then i was at school until 7pm that day and got home around 7:30 or so and i was just going to take a little nap, i woke up at 12:30am very hot and thirsty and groggy and disoriented. i got a drink of water and read a little c.s. lewis and tried to go back to sleep so i could wake up at 6:30am and so today i felt like i had severe jet lag and i had to force myself to stay up until at least now (10pm) because i really could have gone to bed at 7 again, and then i would be screwed up for like, infinity. so there. that means this weekend i really shouldn't do anything but homework so that i don't have this problem again. but there's a cool house party with bands and djs at alec's house... sometimes i wish my phone would just ring. and sometimes not.

1 comment:

Tami G. said...

actually it's 4D, i used a top secret font as well...